Posted in Cricket, Rahul Dravid, RCB, Work

RCB’s First Match & their First Win

Yesterday was RCB’s first match against Guyana and we knew we were going to walk-through to winning position quite early on in the match.

Lady Luck was in RCB’s favour with first winning the toss and then the very easy victory for RCB. RCB sure started the tournament well. The beauty of winning yesterday was not just the part that we won but that we won with 49 balls to spare, and that was what made the winning so worthwhile. Guyana only had a score of 102 for RCB to beat and if RCB couldn’t have beaten that, it sure would have been shameful. But RCB helped us hold our heads high and with pride for not just beating their score but beating it with a 106 with just one wicket down AT 8.1 overs. We are so proud of RCB! It took nothing out of them to win this match, which proves to all of us that they are geared up for a lot more competition. Continue reading “RCB’s First Match & their First Win”